Gedurende die wintermaande kan dit redelik koud word buite en dit is wanneer jy jou ketel reg moet werk om warm te bly. Dit is soms so koud! En as jy in 'n kajuit of 'n kampeerder woon, kan dit deesdae baie koud word. Dit is hoekom die Yidu keramiek ptc speel so 'n belangrike rol! Hierdie oënskynlik "klein" toestel is eintlik 'n groot, elektries-aangedrewe hitteproduserende stelsel wat help om te verseker dat jou kajuit lekker en knus warm bly, maak nie saak hoe koud dit buite word nie.
Additionally PTC cabin heaters are completely portable, another feature that makes them such an attractive option. Put them in various places throughout your cabin to warm every corner. This means, if you decide that one room or corner of the house needs heating up a little more well just take your heater and place it where you want in to go! The Yidu elektriese ptc verwarmer is ook ontwerp om baie energiedoeltreffend te wees met kragverbruik onder dié van 'n aantal ander verwarmertipes, sodat jy nie groot elektrisiteitsrekeninge sal ontvang as jy jou ruimteverwarmers gebruik nie.
If you are someone who do not want to take so much time for setting up a Yidu PTC heater, then this one is the best option. It’s super simple to use. You can just plug it into an outlet and switch the fan on. That’s it! In a matter of minutes, you will notice the warm air circulating within your cabin. This is quick, simple and no complicated steps to follow. Then you be Warm in comfort.
Nog 'n sleutelpunt is die grootte; PTC-kajuitverwarmers is klein en kompak, dus kan ook op relatief stywe plekke geïnstalleer word. Dit kan eerder baie nuttig wees, veral as jy 'n klein kajuit of kampeerder het en geen ekstra spasie het nie. Jy kan hulle maklik op 'n tafel, rak of selfs die sit sodat hulle nie in jou pad sal wees nie. Verder, hierdie mini ptc verwarmer is absoluut veilig vir jou om te gebruik. Hulle het 'n paar spesiale ingeboude kenmerke hoed verhoed dat dit 'n warm. Op hierdie manier kan jy seker wees dat hulle nie meer as brandgevaar inhou nie, en gebruik dit enige tyd.
Vir kampuitstappies in die kouer maande; jy kan ook kies om by 'n PTC-kajuitverwarmer aan te sluit as koud en bewe nie jou ding is nie. Danksy hierdie gerieflike en draagbare verwarmer wat dieselfde gebruik, kan jy warm bly in die koudste dae. Jy hoef nooit bekommerd te wees oor die stryd om uit te vind hoe middel-eeuse moderne verwarming werk of brandgevare in gevaar stel nie. Al wat jy hoef te doen is om die inprop keramiek verwarmer ptc, skakel dit aan en geniet dit om warmte te lug. Wanneer jy ouer word, sal die koeler temps jou rug hê.
Our Ptc cabin heater are of premium quality We have a strong reputation, we provide extensive and fast after-sales service and our prices are extremely competitive. We are able to meet the needs of the market by offering quality and reliable products. In addition to product innovation and research, our business is also focused on enhancing services to provide customers with a satisfying experience. We believe that by continually improving our capabilities and competitiveness on the marketplace, we will succeed and gain more loyalty and trust from our customers.
Our products are used widely in the field of home appliances, beauty and haircare devices, medical heating, and battery heating systems powered by electricity. Our expert service team creates custom solutions to fit your specific power, Ptc cabin heater, and size requirements.
Since over 20 years we have been committed to the development and production of PTC Products, integrating production and distribution into an Ptc cabin heater and online, domestic and international business model. As a global leader in the PTC components industry, we uphold the spirit of quality craftsmanship, focusing on technological advances while meticulously refine each product to satisfy the different heating application requirements of different industrial sectors.
Our products as opposed to traditional electric heating elements utilize PTC heating technology They have the highest thermal efficiency as well as automatic temperature control and an life time of up to 10 000 hours The heater's surface is not a hot red phenomenon This reduces the risk of Ptc cabin heater and also ensures safety and environmental friendliness conforming to environmental standards throughout the world Our designs are easy to use and customizable in terms of size voltage power and more